Monday, June 18, 2007

Integrity Meltdown

Say What You Mean

"Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say, and Don't Say it Mean." If you didn't learn it in Kindergarden you learned it from your Mom. If you didn't learn it from your Mom, you heard it from your uncle Joe who learned it at an AA meeting. If you didn't learn it at all, go to an AA meeting.

What WMDs? Who me? Fire Prosecutors? What emails? Tell what Press? Meet the Who? Abu where? We don't torture, really, we don't. Trust Me. Habeus Who?

Deployment toward Iran? What's on the table, off the table, under the table?

Aren't you just sick of it. Don't you just want a straight-shooter. Why do we feel like the people "governing" us are rather well dressed snail oil peddlers. Don't you just want someone to level with you on whatever level that ends up landing without hitting you first for contribution solicitations?

Integrity. Look it up. Standing on your principles and promises- and not talking yourself out of them when something else looks needy and enticing- even if they beg, whimper and sigh for the attention. Integrity-without it-commitment remains as elusive as peace in Gaza.

Lawyers get concerned with "appearances of impropriety" almost as much as the actual malfeasance. The Say One Thing-do and believe exactly the opposite-is enough to make one's head spin. Sneaky, smarmy, and smacking of "I need a shower" foreign policy because of the filthy double dealing.

Yeah- I'm tawkin to you.

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