Monday, December 17, 2007

Cynthia Butler Answers Cynthia Tucker

How Bought Can You Be?

Cynthia Tucker in a recent editorial headliner for a major Atlanta paper argues against the Christian "right" coming down against MIT Romney because of his religion. Here's the news: the Christian "left" and the Christian "wrong" don't like that he is a Mormon either. Count a few Catholics into that equation as well. Thus, he is unelectable in a General Election. Now, unless Ms. Tucker is playing the backhanded compliment game of jockey propping someone up whom the Democrats know is unelectable, her editorial is a joke.

First, the snide derision of those who think Mormonism is some satanic worship is the kind of mockery that mocks its mocker. In fact, Mormons themselves maintain quite openly that the one we know as Jesus was the "spirit brother of Lucifer" according to their extra-biblical writings.

Christians base their beliefs on Christian and Hebraic Scripture. Mormons base their beliefs on the Book of Mormon which contains the teachings of a False Prophet- the kind that were automatically stoned to death in the days of the First Hebrew Testament. We do not worship the same things as Mormons. Our belief systems contradict each other. For starters Mormons do not hold that Jesus Christ was Divine and refute the seminal foundational first chapter of John which maintains that in the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word Was God and the Word became Flesh and Dwelled among us. Mormons place Jesus on the level of all God's children-namely, us. It is the Supreme Hubris and heresy against Jesus' nature. Like all heresy it spawns manifestations of evil outcome- some of which the Justice Department has volumes of files on.

In the current church-state Establishment Clause debate context, we do not permit the establishment of any religion. But neither do we constitutionally prohibit a person's faith from informing their decision-making processes. That would be as humanly impossible to do as asking them to divorce themselves from the perspectives that living in their skin color conditioned them.

So it is entirely fair game to wonder about the foundational beliefs of any candidate- and entirely appropriate to reject that candidate if one finds their foundational belief system objectionable.

The question is not whether he can lead. The question is to where he will lead. Assume they all can lead to somewhere.

That is why it is the DUTY of everyone to investigate DEEPLY the tenents of Mormonism before voting for Romney, and before penning editorials that attempt to legitimate the view
with a few scripture quotes. You are going to see distortions in this area because the man is a filthy rich business superstar who has an organization that is paying people- paying Media- and we have just begun to see this sort of invidious indoctrination which will be magnified by lightyears if the man is President.

Cynthia L. Butler, Esq.
a graduate of Georgetown Law Center is an attorney
practicing in Washington, DC with twenty years of
litigation experience nationally; a past election
reform activist and volunteer with three past
Presidential campaigns.

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