Saturday, December 29, 2007

Message to the Church-1 Timothy 4

That forbids all their Priests the holy Sacrament of Marriage:

It's a New Millenium

Jesus Never Taught it.
The bible doesn't state it.
The church didn't even believe it for the first 1,000 years of its existence. The early church, which were largely Jews would have thought it unthinkable.

The Bible teaches the contrary- a Bishop, a Deacon MUST BE Married to one woman. If their own house is not in order how can they possibly be any authority to counsel a church people.

Sola Scriptura isn't enough- Contra Scriptura isn't allowed.

When I was a child I thought as a child.
Now Put away childish things.

Learn how not to have sick relationships with women.
Learn how to take a holy wife.

It is holy. It is holy innocence.

Emotionally manipulating women for profit and position is not. Taking fake spiritual wives is not. Making dishonest women of the flock is not. That is all pure scandal.

God has enough resources to take care of families of Priests. God demands Truth of Heart.

God is Love.

To unrequite Love is to insult God. To insult Love is to Grieve God. To Kill Love is to Crucify Him again.
Yesterday was the day the church marks the "slaughter of the innocents" when King Herod in burning jealousy killed all male children under the age of two in Bethlehen after Jesus' birth to make sure that he killed Jesus, who was rumored to be a "King of the Jews" threatening his Power.

When Priests are forbidden the natural right and order to be natural fathers, women God intended to be their spouses go barren- they bear no children. They hemmorage monthly instead. It is in this way that the church has in this fashion become a Herod of sorts, killing potential children - out of jealousy for its Power. And the women's lives are discarded as irrelevant.

The church is thus guilty of creating Martyrs- of its own people. And that is too perverse to whisper.
And for those priests pretending to be Gifted with the Grace of Celibacy, while emotionally engaging women, the church is in a fashion pimping them. It would be far holier for them to
marry one woman than break the hearts of a plural polygamous spiritual harem. Who's Foolin Who.
Beware Deceiving Spirits and Things Taught By Demons- 1 Timothy 4- READ IT.

The first word in "Love and Responsibility" is Love- not Chastity. Chastity is a signpost to the narrow gate which is Love. Chastity mistaken for the narrow gate is an idol. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. God so loved the world he HAD A SON TO GIVE.

God blesses Love even through Sin.
In The Matthew geneology of Jesus, we note that Solomon's father was King David and his mother was the one who was the "wife of Uriah"- e.g. Bathsheeba. David had Uriah killed, took the wife of Uriah in adultery and was guilty of murder and adultery. The first child of that adulterous union died under God's wrath. Apparently, they loved each other enough to stay together to have another child - who lived to be the wisest man that ever lived. God blesses love.

God so loved the World that he Gave His Only Begotten Son. God Loved the world so much He Had A Son To Give.

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