Wednesday, September 03, 2008

False Idols - Glorification of War

Never Miss An Opportunity To Start A Good War.

This is a clash of civilization; the Republicans, flanked by the military history and heros of the ages have nothing else to go on but the fact that they can kill-ass and their Veep can kill Moose with her eyes closed. The perceived or imagined enemies are all around us- run for your life chicken little. There's an islamofascist under your desk. Kill or be killed.

The problem is that we think you start wars unnecessarily that escalate hatred unnecessarily because you are completely inept in the finer art of making friends and influencing people without facing them down at the barrell of a gun.

We want a kinder, gentler country.
We want one that doesn't spy on us- read our emails everytime we travel overseas, or bug our phone lines.
We want one where we are constructively engaging the world not blowing it to bits because
Lockheed Martin stock rises with each contract.
We want one where other industries and sectors other than the defense armaments industry, Halliburton and the Oil Industry profit.
We want one where the best jobs do not come with fatigues and government issued rifles.
We want one where people who talk about Life don't gratuitously kill people in foreign countries that didn't want or invite us in.

What kind of country do you want your children to live in?

We want a FUNDAMENTAL SHIFT in the paradigms and Pedagogy of Peace.

Because the old model has failed- and War without justification is just bloody mass murder.

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