Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sins of the Fathers Visiting the Third Generation

Have You Ever Paid For Anyone's Abortion or Had One?

That should be on the 'character' qualification questionaire for higher office anywhere. I think it's more relevant to anyone's character than "have you ever been sued."
If it were, then we could see exactly which congress persons were speaking from self-defense of their own moral failings in this regard tilting the public debate. Doesn't necessarily make them bad legislatures, just makes them biased because they prefer not to think of themselves as "pre-infanticidal homicide suspects."

I would like to know-wouldn't you? Who sitting in the Congress of either House or the White House has had or paid for an abortion. Be honest now.

I recall a story once told by my uncle who played football at Harvard with a very famous politician (if you read this blog regularly you will know who I am talking about.) My uncle knew that there were two guys he played football with who were at the time dating the same girl.
Could have been a 'Smithy' Could have been a "Cliffy"- don't care. The story goes that the girl got pregnant. It was one of the two Harvard football players' fault. One of them was from a very famous family and refused to take credit. No DNA testing on the fetus was done. One of them paid for an abortion.

Now, can you imagine what scandal it would have been if the one from the famous family had a child out of wedlock with someone while in college? I can tell you that it very well might have derailed a few political careers. No one knows about this today- except perhaps for my uncle and a few living Harvard football players. No one knows for sure whose kid got "terminated."
All they know is that the problem was solved- and it would have been a monsterous problem.

So someone with experiences like that in their family might have a bias-a strong legislative bias- to protect the ability to do this. They might have an inculturated belief that the knocking off of an invitro unwanted barely acknowledged little fetus is in the higher good and interest of all parties concerned.

So that is why I believe it imperative, as the "abortion" debate is now and ever shall be front and center of the responsible social policy discussion (45 Million Americans were "terminated"
since Row in 1973) that we all know who has paid for an abortion and who has had one.

Think I'm not serious?

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