Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Democrats

Dirtbag Problem

And Visions of Virtue. We may not need our public elected officials to be card carrying Sainthood candidates, but we can't have them outright creepazoid dirtbags without serious consequences. The Democrats have always had a problem on this abortion debate that they facilitate men behaving badly by the policy that allows abortion to function as birth control. Now there is a posterboy to prove the point. From the not so sublime to the beyond the pale, Weiner is now exposed as having used his office blackberry in the House Rayburn building members gym grabbing himself in private parts with a towel draped provocatively over him. The shots are reported to be autobiographic in a mirror as though he cannot escape his narcicism and gets excited merely looking at himself in the mirror. Please get help. If it is not a mirror shot he is looking at someone else who took the shot in which case we have to wonder if he is bisexual (it's in the men's lockerroom) There is no way that this solid pounding will go away with Weiner still in Congress. Perhaps the FCC can cite him for on line indecency. Will that cause him to lose his job---because he aint going away voluntarily it seems. He cannot take a hint apparently.
What is there in the Rules that would prevent a member from getting up in the middle of a speech before a vote and mooning everyone if people cannot lose their seat over things like this? If he streaked across the voting floor could he be expelled? What more does he have to do?

I don't want to be talking about Mr BallPark UnFrank next week at all. I want him off my radar.
There is too much really important stuff to focus on- JOB CREATION, the ECONOMY, the DEBT at a TRILLION and counting, the perpetual WARS, etc.

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