Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Stick to Substance Boys

If you hit low blows I am coming out soft swinging.

Michele Bachman may be policy unwise or misguided on her view of government- but she certainly is no 'flake' and doesn't deserve the Stephanopolous grilling over alleged history mis-speaking on whether or not John Adams lived during the revolutionary war. You cannot pull a Palin on her like the Paul Revere nonsense- John Adams DID live during the revolutionary war. I went to Cornell and Georgetown and I agree with her- he is someone who later in his life did fight against slavery in his way and he could in a fair minded stretch be considered a 'founding father' if you loop in everyone who was alive during the revolutionary war. He was the Second President- OK , so maybe never signed the Declaration of Independence or went to the Constitutional Convention (or did he? I don't know I have to look it up but I am not running for anything and would before I did)- So picking hairs over this sort of stuff is going to backfire- it looks sexistly like persecution over nothing.

Here is who she is- William and Mary law grad with post grad work in tax, practicing tax attorney, business owner who probably made more money than Pelosi selling grapes in St. Helena, congresswoman for many years, and mother of more people than would come to your
This is a very solid person. She is also so attractive and telegenic she could have done none of that and tried to be in a few films and volunteered for Unicef and the trotting the globe as Ambassador to the high commission on refugees like Angelina if she felt like it-but she didn't because she has a brain and self dignity and went to law school. You can disagree on policy-you cannot try to make her look stupid- because she is smarter than you. Trust Me. and miles cuter. Plus she knows how to dress and has class- unlike some fashion faux pas that have come from la maison blanc on diplomatic occasions. Talk policy- the other stuff is going to tank you without warning.

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