Friday, December 30, 2011

It's Still Christmas

For 8 days after the 25th.

Remember the 12 days of Christmas song? We are still in the Christmas Season. I love it- like Easter is actually a 50 day season. I never want it to end. Really Christmas should be something you get all year.

Things that should stick with you all year-
Jesus was born in a Manger. This should tell you that you can make a home for an infant out of pretty much anything. They are really small. You can make do with what you have for a new life, even a bed out of a basket for an infant, so you are not too poor to deliver a child who will make you more spiritually rich than you can imagine for all the love that will come. More than that, it should tell you that Jesus is food. What? Jesus doesn't do anything not on purpose for a reason.
He was born in a Manger- which is a feeding trough for sheep. He would become food- real food.
And its really funny-he would talk parables about sheep and sheepherders and reference himself as the good shepherd, and there he is in a feeding trough for sheep and other animal life. The shepherds in the field would come to visit this infant, sleeping in a sheeps feeding trough. Jesus has a sense of humor.
Get it??

Another thing that sticks with me is that Jesus died after only living about 33 years on earth, dying in the prime of life. It hit me that when he feeds us he is feeding us blood that was
earthly blood in the force of vigor of the prime of life. Are you looking for the fountain of youth?
He is the Gift that Keeps on Living. In the force of vigor of the prime of life. You want to stay young? Go to daily Mass. You can have Christmas all year.

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