Friday, December 30, 2011

Gingrich Preaching-the Ames Games

To The Choir

In a midmorning meltdown today Gingrich spoke tearfully about his mother who used to sing in the choir as he glanced winkedly over to Calista his wife who now sings with the National Basillica Choir in Washington, DC. He spoke of his mother before a group of mothers at Java Joes in Ames.
This should be endearing but it looked really soft. I should like Calista because she sings in the choir and I appreciate greatly good music, especially liturgical chorale singing. I have sung a bit myself in choirs (before a Cardinal even) and have a trained mezzo soprano voice. But I can't get around to any warmth for Calista. Sorry. I have tried. Here's why. She can't shake the Capitol Hill staffer tramp moniker- the small town girl who slept her way to the top carelessly homewrecking while secretly sleeping with the guy persecuting the President for his relatively speaking minor indescretion. Is the sin lack of discretion or actual adultery? Also, the angle shots on her wicked witch of the West nose angle
look really scary. How does someone with a half a mil. Tiffany's account not figure out that she needs a nose job. OK that was mean.
It just should not be rewarded, this homewrecking sort of political whoreishness. Sorry- we have all had the chance, more or less to do something stupid like sleep with a powerful married guy and if we slipped we slapped the sense back to ourselves and didn't let temptation turn into something that destroyed other people's lives- or at least that is what a lot of women are going to think of themselves. They would hope better for their daughters. And in keeping with the many illusions of who Gingrich wants you to think he is, she is peddling now a children's book when she didn't have any. When I told my mother that she said- well, isn't she OLD? No, she is still in her 40s, and tries illusorily to look older with that helmet hair fake blonde McLean do from the 60s. Are you kidding?
She started messing around with a guy twenty years older when she was in her 20s. If she wanted kids she could have had kids. And now she is trying to be a first lady peddling her children's book?
My grandparents were from Iowa. Jessup and Grinnell. They met at Grinnell college as freshmen. If I pulled a Calista I would have been disinherited. Are you kidding?
So sorry, but this is just not First Family material. Appoint Gringrich on the oversight board of the NIH so he can champion mental health research. His campaign is over.

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