Thursday, March 22, 2012

Free Wine

For all students and faculty of the "dry" Methodist college. Dry means no alcohol. If you want a party school go to the state college down the street. The government mandates however that because of the well known benefits of a glass of red nightly on cholesterol and overall health and disposition, everyone is entitled to it and free red wine must be advertised by letting in any liquor store onto campus to post fliers and posters about where they all can get free wine. The liquor stores figure once they are in they will buy whatever good things they also sell like peanuts, orange juice and things necessary to maintain good health so they are happy to underwrite it and double the price of orange juice to compensate. The dry methodists think drinking alcohol is bad for your health, leads to drunkennes which is a debauchery and increases the litigation risks of slips and falls on campus. Plus cleaning up the puke in the washrooms isn't something they want their maintenance folks having to deal with. Who sees a Constitutional problem with this advertising mandate? That's what the free contraception for catholic colleges looks like to me. Why it isn't striking everyone as ridiculous is beyond me. Wine is optional just like birth control. Some people like Guiness instead of wine. Some people prefer not to be sleeping with people they don't want kids with. Some married people prefer the rhythym method or giving it a break once in a while. Some like diaphrams which are a one shot purchase that last a long time, others prefer a patch others prefer 'the pill.' Why this is a college's job to provide it strikes most everyone I talked to as absurd. The school never told Ms. Fluke she has to have sex. Where is the mandatory having of sex in the constitution?

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