Monday, March 05, 2012



I confess, it has been a while since i turned on diatribe radio. I am too busy practicing some semblance of law. I researched a Habeus petition, did some Section 1983 research and clocked in a document production. Such is the life of a 'Georgetown Woman"- a working woman I might add.
It appears from briefly scanning the e-news and commentary that Ms. Fluke's fame spreads further than fifteen minutes and she met Barbara Walters and the crew at the View.
Good for her. She saw that half-non apology of Rush catering to his defecting sponsors.
My natural instincts want to cheer her on- you go girl. With 129 or however many faculty sponsors, expect to be Valedictorian or something.

Then I listen to her. Did you hear her say that she needs that 'medicine' and lost of women need that 'medicine' called contraception.-that was a freudian slip- i said 'lost of women when I meant "lots of women.' Because I must think in some sense they are a bit lost.

Am I the only woman over the age of 22 who has never been on 'the pill?"

Contraception is not 'medicine' unless you are one of about fifteen or so percent for whom it is prescribed for various specific conditions. In fact I once was prescribed it wrongly for one such misdiagnosed condition-took it for three days, made me sick and beloted and I stopped. It is a drug. It is so widely prescribed in fact I think gynos must be getting a cut of every prescription they dish out. It is a strong drug- it can totally alter your female biology. Why on earth would you want to do that?

Here is my concern- and I am not going to moralize like I did my godkiddies and niece (who is an out of wedlock mother and I hope not because of my overmoralizing about pro life issues but because she adores her child)-

Women should not be taught that they need medicine to socially exist. Men should not be telling unwed women they have to have sex to be in relationships with them.
Chastity is an age old virtue and it still is a virute. Virtues are attractive. Really attractive. Wouldn't you rather be married than having drugged sex?

I bet Georgetown would agree with me- at least the 'main campus' where the priests tend to hang out.

If you want to be a strong woman, you should not be convinced that you cannot exist in a socially happy plane of life without drugging yourself up. Do you know what sort of chemicals in 'the pill' can actually do to your body? Do you know that your chances of getting blod clots, infertility, strokes, and heart conditions increase exponentially for being years on the pill? Some of us didn't want to risk it and thought men must not care about us very much if they made us.

Who profits from a society where half the population is drugged perpetually? Who profits?

Should Georgetown have to be forced to cover contraception- or any catholic college be forced to provide it through insurance - no. Really, no. Sorry. No. If they think it is crazy, (and it is a bit crazy to insist that all female students have some necessity for it) and against their principles as guardians of virtue, they absolutely should not be made to have to provide it through the student insurance plans that they select- even if they do not underwrite it.

The 'what's next' argument has a point.
Really. What if I believe my digestion is improved substantially by greek yogurt- that should be free then at the school cafeteria too. While we are at it, my mood greatly improves with mint chocolate chip ice cream.

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