Thursday, April 05, 2012


Jesus died at age 33 to create a hierarchy run by 75 year old single men exclusively? really?? How many 75 year old men were at the tomb- ever? You can create a condition of employment by contract of any condition. You must promise never to wear blue sox, never to waste money in dying your hair, never to wear pants to a funeral, never eat meat in the rectory, never go on a date. But don't confuse that with biblical truth. Peter the first Pope was married. Jesus' closest allies were women- his Mother for starters and we all like her. Then the Apostle to the Apostles Mary Magdalene and someone named Mary who got close enough to wipe his feet with her hair and shower him with expensive perfume who could have been the same Mary. Then there was the woman at the well, and don't forget women deacons. Sometimes the Pope just insults my intelligence. He did that today in his Holy Thursday homily blasting the group of dissident priests who have full backing of their congregations regarding a married priesthood. Sometimes pure meanness is mistaken for piety. Did anyone ask the women what they think? Thought not. Piety does not compel these exclusionary rules. Married men can be just as pious- and single men just as jerky as married ones. Substitute fake marriage happens anyway among priests. Get Real. Isn't Truth a basic characteristic of the Holy Spirit- we worship in Spirit and Truth? Where does it say in scripture (I am checking my concordance and I can't find it) that all the people who thought people serving Jesus or following him had to be single or they get kicked out or excommunicated? Probably the same place where it says all Popes and Bishops must face mandatory retirement at half pension at age 62, beyond which age your thinking is too deaf to be relevant. Right- that's not in there either. When did Jesus say at the last supper Passover- everyone who is married raise your hand, and everyone with a girl friend raise your hand, now get out! What a Holy Thursday Homily!!!

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