Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Where the Ark of the moral universe glistens a rainbow through Grant Park

...and Jesus loves all his little children.

My father’s house has many rooms. If it were not so, why would I tell you - I have gone to prepare a place for you.

My country ‘tis of thee- where there is a place for everybody.

Where this land is your land and this land is my land, from California to the New York Island and the Gulf Stream waters welcome the teaming immigrants searching for the American promise of new life in the new country. This land is your land, this land is my land, whether you are black, white, brown, Asian American, African American, German American, Jewish American, Irish American, Italian American, Protestant American, Catholic American, Muslim American, French American, Anglo American, Mexican American, Puerto Rican American, or Native American (or any combination thereof). Because we are not red states and blue states we are all just Americans in this United States. And every last one of us is created in the very image of God Almighty with a purpose to share with and build up each other.

This land is your land this land is my land, and we rise and fall together because we need each other, and together is our strength. This is a land where love still overcomes hatred and the puny pettiness of intolerance. This is a land where Grace freely given exacts a love freely given in return
to all, that rises to the challenge of its responsibilities to face a world wrought with tensions and traumas to bring healing and peace.

This is a land where you are only limited by your vision. Because everyone in America can achieve whatever they believe and the American dream can be dreamed by every single American. The only out-cast in America is the self-exiled because all are welcome here.
And love should never be underestimated.

This is a land where there is no room for self-pity or self-loathing. In this land the mixed race child of a twice divorced woman, abandoned by her lover can raise a child to be President and leader of the free world. If she can do it, so can you.

This is a land where a mixed race young man lost and floundering in adolescent drugs whose father abandoned him can find his voice and go to Harvard Law School and become the President and leader of the free world. If he can do it so can you.

This is a land where a middle American white woman from Kansas fell in love with an immigrant black man and got pregnant without any guarantee that he would stay, and did not abort the mixed race child but raised him to become the President and leader of the free world. She chose Life. If she can do it, so can you.

This is a land where the white grandparents took in their black grandson when their daughter came into struggles almost beyond herself, and poured everything they had into
him, to where he became the first African American President of these United States and leader of the free world. If they can do it, so can you.

And this is a land where the arrogance of power will prove once again that God will humble those blinded by the pride of their own conceits because two things he despises: a haughy heart and a lying tongue.

No, this is not a country for the self-pitying or self-loathing.
No time for that.
This is not a country for the gloating of retributive shouts of “trounced!” or vendettas. No room for that.

This is a time for a national catharsis of group hugs, tears and confident high fives looking toward a future of Peace and Prosperity.

This is a land where love still overcomes. It overcomes dogmas, dictates of petty oppressions, egos and minds. Love overcomes every time. And my neighbor is the person who needs my tender loving care. Now, more than ever.

This is a land where education and knowledge doesn’t puff up it builds up a house of informed wisdom where each and every citizen in this Democracy is called to be a brick linked to the Cornerstone of Love, where a most dangerous demon enemy is called ignorance.

This is a land where Life can flourish in colors as varied as a wildflower garden, each one beautiful and precious. Each and every one making the garden more and more beautiful.

This land is your land, this land is my land. And we can build a glorious place together, where the generosity of hearts open to the Spirit will embrace the better angels of our nature and heal a land bruised and crushed by yesterday’s ghost’s past power trips over a bridge to nowhere, because Love Himself is the Repairer of the Breach.

Your heart was made in the image of His Heart –and thus made for Love, if only you will let it.
This is a new journey for a new day. The Lord lives. Blessed be my Rock.

Baruch Hashem.

And Thank you Lord for our new leader,

Baruch Barack, and bless and guide him and his entire beautiful family.

Here is a prayer we can all say together as we embark on a new Era in America:

Saint Michael the ArchAngel
Defend us in battle
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil
may God rebuke him we humbly pray
and Cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits
Who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.

Joie et Paix,

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