Sunday, July 17, 2011


Totally Sexually Aberrant

What kind of person would like working at the TSA? Scanning bodies for bombs planted internally, or groping small
children or elderly women to see if they have implanted anything explosive. A 61 year old woman tried to get one back-
she got arrested for "groping" a TSA agent. She gave them a dose of what they dish; she grabbed a breast through
clothing of one of them and was arrested on felony charges- and if convicted (it's on tape, she likely will be) then she
will have to be listed as a sexual predator in states that list them. How absurd. The TSA who do pat down and grope
live women get away with it in the name of National Security, but don't you try it back or you will lose your life as you know it. I am not even a little bit gay and I think that is crazy. Perhaps she was just trying to make a point.

I am one of those women who is fairly categorized as somewhat 'endowed' which is not an asset some places. In conservative catholic church it can almost get you arrested for praying while female if a priest is "distracted." I deliberately dress in burlap sac sometimes to dress down the unwanted attention from undesirables. At the TSA they have to search for explosives under my underwire below my chest length dangling cross. Because they are idiots. I feel almost violated every time I get on a plane now.
Can't I show my Bar Card or something to avoid this? I start to hate the 'government' every time I get on a plane, and that is not good because I am a lawyer, and an 'officer of the court.' I just don't want strangers pressing up against touching my breast.
Please don't manhandle or womanhandle me. Is that too much to ask?

Where is Bill Gates when you need him? Please invent something better. I fear with the deficit ceiling talks TSA might
sell my chest x rays to Playboy to pay for social security.

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