Monday, July 18, 2011

Who Died

And Made You God?

My mother used to say that when I got a little too judgey or critical of someone or something. She also said "never talk
politics or religion in polite company" which had me wondering what else interesting there was to talk about.

Who Died and Made You God? Some catholics might say and do 'Who died and made you Pope' while I hope even
the Pope would agree they are clearly not the same thing.

Paul in scripture fought Peter's views taking him to task. Jesus himself took Peter to task more than once, noting his
betrayals before the cock crowed and even at one time saying 'Satan get behind me' when Peter expressed something other
than God's will regarding Jesus' mission and fate.

Who Died and Made you God? Clearly you are not. You are not qualified to Judge a person's character. You are not qualified
to put any moniker on them of 'weed' or 'good seed' because only God sees truly inside the heart. You can 'know' them by their fruits but you cannot judge their hearts.

This should take a load off. The first commandment is to not have any Gods before the true real God, which means you can
take your God hat off now, because it's not your job to judge. God is the Judge and there will be a Judgment day. That is partially why Jesus said not to tear up the weeds that grow intertwined with the good seedlings. Because you can't tell which is which and sometimes get it totally wrong. You label someone according to whether they suit your purposes, your institutional goals and objectives which may not be God's. You want to rip up and destroy sometimes what God willed be there for HIS purposes, and it was your blindness that did not see how His Plan was in it. Get Behind Me Satan was what Jesus said to Peter.
What if at that point everyone could reasonably call Peter a 'weed' and tear him up. What would become of Christendom at that point? We wouldn't even have a church. So because we can't see the forrest for the weeds, we don't judge- because only God judges the hearts of man. You, you can sit in traffic court.

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