Monday, July 18, 2011


For Libel and Slander- because it destroys people's careers.

    The Washington City Toilet Paper should be in for a good spanking. It has in past done yellowish journalistic hatchet jobs without full investigation-or even trying, under the editorial
mandate to sensationalize at the expense of the facts. It is being sued by a big wig- who I for one hope makes the point that if you call yourself a 'City Paper' you should be good for something other than lining bird cages and kitty litter boxes. Best of luck to you Mr. Snyder.
The Paper has an on line presence which allows anyone in the world to read their nonsense. It also has the filthiest element paying for what looks like on line prostitution in their personals under cover of masseuses and other strangelove looking-fors and I have often wondered why
the FBI hasn't done any CraigsList like stings on it.

       The city paper once ran, at the request of an attorney I had a run in with a trashing article
cleverly avoiding defamation charges which I filed by not directly naming me but insinuating by
innuendo something that didn't quite or hardly at all express all the pertinent facts to create
a misleading picture of exactly what happened. They didn't even bother to call to get the other side of the story. They said they couldn't reach me when I had a listed number at the Bar Association as a practicing attorney on their website anyone could access or just call the Bar, and the offending attorney certainly had it as well. They are reported by others in the know to
have a firm philosophy of sensationalization that sells papers even if it requires forgetting the
typical truth balancing act normal papers undergo-and something called Fact Checking. It is for that reason I cheer at the thought that they should be sued
six ways from sideways and DC law needs to expand it's "innuendo" classification to cover
shades of truth that completely block out the light. 
       The Washington City Toilet Paper needs to clean up its act.  If the Courts don't make them do it, who will?

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