Wednesday, November 09, 2011


Mr. Bill.

Normally fairly erudite albeit from a certain perspective Bill O'Reilly missed the mark when saying that people are out to destroy Cain. What we are out to destroy is the ethic that says women don't matter and men can lie about whatever they do with them regardless of how they feel about it. As an attorney I have seen it - professionally and personally. And it is absolutely disgusting. There is an EEOC for a reason.
In the 1990s in Washington the head of Washington social life and the free world was someone whom I wouldn't vote for now, knowing what I know about his sexual morality for dog catcher- while that may be a good job because it takes one to catch one. It should eclipse every good deed he ever did- because it destroyed women. Cain reminds me of the sleezebucket guys hanging around the bars on L street bragging to other sleezebucket guys who they bedded or what they got away with doing. And see the wagging finger on national television rebuke 'I never ever had sexual relations with THAT woman.' How many women coming forward to describe really what Cain is does it take? For every four that say he hit on them inappropriately there are likely three that did sleep with him- while married or pretending to be.
Sexual ethics have to matter in the highest office of the land. Lying to SLANDER women's integrity, dignity and honor is absolutely disgusting and should be a no -brainer disqualifier. The country is a long long way from taking this with the seriousness with which it should be taken. And comments like those attempting to defend the indefensible don't help.
The Washington Times running a Cain like version of the wagging finger in front of a backdrop of American flags simply desecrates the flag.

There are two kinds of men who would vote for Cain; those who are too decent to find that this is fathomable because it is beyond the realm of their experience and too fantastic to believe, and those who just don't care what he does in his 'private life.' Lets hope Bill is in the first category.

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