Friday, November 04, 2011

Are They Crazy?

Head Scratching Continues

It boggles the mind that Herman Cain is still supported by more Republicans than any other candidate. Because why????

This phenomenon I believe is attributable to the underlying racism of preferential treatment of defective characters because they are black. That is racist. We have a black President- lets get a black alternative, like there are no other worthy CEOs of third rate fast food joints. Where is that guy who founded Checkers when you need him.

Not that all Affirmative Action programs are racist- but picking a guy because he is black and standing behind him no matter what he does, does not help the cause. It undermines it.

Obama stands on his own laurels and was not elected because he is black. Some black folk don't think he is black enough. I rather like his Irish side. But he is a Harvard JD with a keen intellect unparallelled. He is there on merit.

Cain is full of cheese. Speckled with the fat of too much pepperoni.
Cain is not Obama's equal on any level. And no. China is not 'developing' nuclear capability- it has been there for decades. And no, we don't need more 'investment' in defense spending- when the rest of the world is shouting disarmament.

When Hillary looked like a winner they said- lets get us a woman. Hence Palin. Now it's time to get serious about character, just like Martin Luther King advised.

p.s. If a guy is so oafish that he doesn't comprehend why three women felt the need to contemplate suing him for harassment, that is not a person we want engaging in delicate diplomatic nuanced discussions with anyone who speaks another language as their first language.
Two or Three sexual harassment suits against you should be immediate disqualifiers.

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