Wednesday, November 02, 2011

The Cain Drain


That is what I predict the headlines to be. Unless something disasterous happens between now and then- which could work in his favor depending on how he handles it.
Phew-now I don't have to campaign this season- it's in the bag.

Herman Cain, aside from not having the first clue about China's nuclear capacity who sounds like your friendly neighborhood car mechanic when opining on his 'china strategy' clearly has caught that bug plaguing generally the Republicans. The Truth Allergy. We saw it with Bush, who does look like Voltaire next to Cain on foreign policy, when fabricating about the
nigerian uranium fissile material and WMDs in Iraq to a point where almost a third of the Democratic Party thinks he had some foreknowledge about 9-11. Unbelievable. Not believable.
Cain, it is now learned, without admitting or denying, signed a settlement agreement with a woman who claimed she was sexually harassed by him- for the equivalent of a year's salary. What, who me? What settlement? What harassment?

As someone with employment labor litigation experience I can tell you that this virtually never happens without some facts that could surface in a trial. Without a trial to get a year's severance or salary on a sexual harassment charge is a good deal and means there likely were credible facts. These things are defended by insurance companies on officer and director policies and hard lines are drawn in the sand. Something scared them into paying a year's salary.
Baseless charges virtually never get one a year's salary for not having to work without a trial. Insurance company lawyers don't want people cashing in on false allegations and they don't generally pay on what they think is false. So not only did this get the credibility pass of the accuser's attorney who likely vets out frivolity but it got the credibility pass of insurance lawyers who are hard to convince.

So the 'high tech lynching' joke that Clarence Thomas got over on when a black woman was making the charges of sexual harassment against him (ridiculous) plays about as well here as a
a fart in a symphony. It just smells. I do agree with Ann Coulter, my classmate at Cornell, on one thing however:
If Romney is the nominee Obama will win.

Obama will win.

The fact that Cain raised more money yesterday than any other day in his campaign speaks volumes about the Republican party's problem with respect for women. Clarence Thomas famously made highly offensive absurd remarks about the problem with the country being this sort of smearing that derails careers at his confirmation hearings. Cry me a river. He has not been able since to shake off the Justice Creepazoid feeling one gets while watching him doze at the bench after his confirmation performance. A far more serious problem with the country is the lack of general regard and respect for women professionals like Professor Anita Hill, whose academic background and government career was every bit as promising and stellar as Clarence Thomas' - such that even taking a stand against this sort of disrespect sends one packing out of town for the hinterlands of Oklahoma.

Shame on you Ann Coulter. Shame on you Herman Cain. Shame on you Clarence Thomas.
And shame on every talking head defending this garbage.

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