Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Washington City Toilet Paper

Just Flush.

I picked up a Washington City Paper someone left on the metro and started mindlessly scanning it out of boredom. An add title caught my attention: "Why Pay For Sex When You Can Get It For Free!" That was the title of the add. My mother's slogan of "why pay for the cow when the milk is free" darted through my mind. But that isn't what it meant-I read further.
It was actually an add for a "service" for people who were married who want to hook up
in "discrete marital affairs." You have to be kidding me. They boast a listserv of over a thousand people for matchmaking.
In the Nation's "alternative" paper, which you can get on almost every street corner in DC for free there is an Add for a service peddling free sex for married people who want to hook up with other married people for discrete marital affairs. An entire agency for cheats. Think how many marriages this one agency is responsible for destroying.
That's when it hit me- we are not "slouching" toward Gommorrah anymore, we are in it- we are exactly the "evil and adulterous generation." This is just whack you in your face wake up the country has lost all moral compass territory. Not to be a prude, but people- seriously. If the Washington City Paper will run such an add and if there are 1,000 "clients" in that listserv, we are just an ill nation. Advertising for adulterous affairs? Doesn't that make you just sit up in disgust yet? I am not a prude moralizer and haven't made a penny off lecturing anyone on virtue- but this is really disgusting-isn't it people?
Here is where you want to see a Department of Vice shut down these outfits and fine the City Paper a few thousand. Would the FCC call this "obscenity?" Probably not, but it is morally obscene and we all should know it when we see it.

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