Thursday, March 19, 2009

Reflections on the Feast of Saint Joseph

Another Good Excuse for a Party.

The Feast of Saint Joseph is appropriately inspiring the catholic blog world to muse on this most significant Saint and invoke his intercession.
I am reminded of another significant feature of his manhood. He apparently was engaged to a woman who found herself subject to potential fatal scandal and believed in her anyway. Mary had to tell him that she was pregnant- and it wasn't his. What would you do if your fiance sprung this on you? See ya-wouldn't wanna be ya? Not so good Saint Joe- he stood by her side, sheltered her from ridicule, sheltered her incubating womb, watched a pregnancy come to term and likely delivered himself the baby in the barn out back (who else did it?-the cows?)

Joseph's sweet Mary was likely going to be viewed in the eyes of the community as something so trampy she could be shunned for life or worse, stoned to death if he disowned her. It was that serious to "trompe" your fiance at the altar. She would have been unmariageable. She was done- but for the redeeming love of her fiance. He stepped to the plate (with a little coaxing from the Angel Gabriel) and took the responsibility that God entrusted him with to make sure she was safe so she could nurture the child as only a mother can. She was, after all, telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It was a truth hard to swallow- it had not been the case before. But it was true. And Joseph believed her - against the odds.

And for this, we can ask good Saint Joe to instill this honor in all men we know and love. Because you never know what she is incubating in her heart.

This from the "America Needs Fatima" family:

Saint Teresa of Avila said this about devotion to Saint Joseph:

"I wish I could persuade everyone to be devoted to this glorious saint, for I have great experience of the blessings which he can obtain from God. I have never known anyone to be truly devoted to him and render him particular services that did not notably advance in virtue, for he gives very real help to souls who commend themselves to him. For some years now, I think, I have made some request of him every year on his festival and I have always had it granted. If my petition is in any way ill directed, he directs it aright for my greater good."

Prayer to Saint Joseph
O thou, whom no one has ever yet invoked in vain, thou, whose power with Our Lord and Our Lady is so great, that it has been truly said, "In Heaven, Joseph commands rather than supplicates," tender father, intercede for me!
St. Joseph, be my advocate with thy Divine Son, Whose foster-father and faithful protector thou wert here below. Add to all thy glories, that of gaining the despaired of cause that I confide to thee. I believe, yes, I believe thou canst obtain my deliverance from the troubles that overwhelm me, and the desolation in which my soul is plunged. I have the firm hope that thou wilt neglect nothing in favor of the afflicted who invoke thee.
Humbly prostrate at thy feet, dear St. Joseph, I implore thee to have pity on my tears, cover me with the mantle of thy merciful protection and bless me. Amen.

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