Thursday, April 16, 2009

Curia-sly Cracked

The Religious Wrong

The pictures of Archbishop Dolan's installation (from, inter alia, ) provokes the following thought: What's wrong with this picture?

All Men. All single men. All single men, some more prominent of whom wearing florescent pink/red with what appears to be parts of women's lace slips.
That's because Jesus said if you follow me you must dump all the women, ALL become eunichs, and dress like transvestites from a bad 50s fashion show. (NOT!)

None of these men naturally fathered any child (or they would be investigated by the Vatican) None of these men have wives for whom they are the slightest bit cognizant of their emotional well being.

Which is why they can be blithering bullying morons when it comes to women's emotional well-being- at times and why they send out surrogate pit bull women to cover their abuse in this regard. It is also why their credibility on the life issue is undermined Ontologically by what and who they are without any room for intelligent debate on things like the married priesthood.

It is to say the least ironic that the rallying cry of the Religiously whacked is this pro-life issue of protecting the "unborn" when some of their policies ensure un-birth, when they at times persecute women of child-bearing age, and when they are some of the most oppressively anti-life people in their bullying bravado of presumed religious superiority persecuting those actually called by God-for the express reason of the fact that they can't deal with them as women. They do in fact defeat the very important purpose with their strategies because they don't operate from a place of Love. They operate from a place of human personal power.

Jesus never banned anyone- except Peter whom he told to "Get Behind Me Satan." Think about it.
There is just no evidence whatsoever that Jesus, who had a right to be "self-righteous" because he is the source of all righteousness directly derived from the Father, ever was an imperious nasty Ass.

Dominicans like to ban anyone they think isn't on the same page as them when they are being
the most Un-Christ -like, Un-Loving, Un-Holy people making the Pharisees look like Mother Theresa.
I have to laugh. Out Loud. If I have to choose between the presumed piety of the religious wrong and Jesus- I choose Jesus. Silly me.

The doctrinal invalidity of women's emotional life is truly really evil stuff. I once heard a priest mock "feelings" stating somthing like --it all went wrong in the '70s when everyone started talking about "feelings" like "how does that make you feel" as if feelings were a dirty deligitimate concern-especially women's feelings- truly mockworthy according to this priest. "Feelings" or "Emotions" are something that a court will consider in cases of "Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress", a claim for which one can get monetary compensation, or in the family law/divorce context, issues of "emotional cruelty" such as accompanies typically adultery. There is a body of moral teaching now considering "emotional adultery" in the "office wives" context, and emotional harm is every bit as insidiously evil as physical harm-- more so in some cases. The law has long recognized this. The church operates outside the law in this regard- because anyone who challenges it is persecuted viciously.

Women's "feelings" or emotions feature in aspects of hormonal change, and upset therein can actually in some cases upset the PH uterine balance to a degree that miscarriages can result.
Feelings are part of the endocrine system- they are there by design, by God, the designer.

The fact that priests are so clueless about the emotional lives and dimensions of women means that they are not facilitating life- they are operating from a NOT LIFE posture- because women do not bring Life into the world if they are not emotionally in a space to do so or consistently harmed emotionally from those to whom they look for spiritual strength. They talk, almost in every Mass about "let us lift up our hearts" without the first clue about the emotional state or well being of the women in front of them to a degree where they are negligently guilty of serious emotional cruelty in some cases.

This is really evil stuff. And it really has to change.

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