Friday, June 19, 2009

What Exactly

Are You Being Asked To Die For?

Martyrdom is getting far too popular. The Ayatollah Khomeni in today's Friday prayer address at Tehran University amazingly broadcast on C-Span via Iranian TV showed fist- wagging tens of thousands of seatead men (all men) agreeing with him that they would die for the Revolution (that happened in the late 1970s) while they chanted death to the UK and America. Martyrs for what exactly? A faux chimeric Democracy challenged by arrested dissidents as if they had not discovered the E-Coup by electronic ballot count shenanigans experienced by Westerners and practically invented by intelligence agencies? And this pulled wooliness by the incumbent is now the West's fault why?

If ever it were doubted that Iran wants to be perceived as an "existential threat" to Israel, and anyone who supports the "Zionist State" it was dispelled by today's Friday prayers which just so happen to ironically coincide with the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on the Catholic Calendar.

Iran does indeed intend to convey that it desires to be an existential threat. This appears to be not just some sort of over-inflated Cheneyism or "slam dunk" hypothetical neo-con invention.

Get the coverage and play it carefully. Get it translated by five people verbatim. Then you tell me whether the Ayatollah did or did not invoke the existence of their nuclear program as something he perceived would be used as something to contend with (rather than something with which to turn on lights at the soccer stadium.) Seriously- not trying to excuse the snarly mad dog Cheney dark side of fear mongering, but just trying to get real. Did I hear him correctly and was it translated correctly?

This made me wonder- what ideological package does your martyr complex accomplish exactly? It is nice to believe that there is something greater than yourself worth dying for, just make sure it is the right thing- and not someones invention or ideological idiosyncrasy. And don't insult the creator by tagging your In His Image existence to anything not made of God- like rules that he never made.

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