Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The District

of the Capital of the Most Powerful Nation in the World

Has no equal voting representation in Congress. They have it in Bagdad, they have it in Paris. But
not in Washington, DC.
Washington, DC has about as many people as Vermont and more than Wyoming. And we have zero
actual voting representation in the Senate-no DC Shadow Senators and just one 'shadow' rep who
doesn't count for much. She can't even be counted on to try to vote to get us the vote. The last
time it failed it had to do with tagging a second amendmenet rider or something that gummed up
the statehood issue with gun safety issues so it was tanked --even though subsequent national
precedents on the gun issue mooted that bit of bravado anyway.
Probably the first and strongest time that we had full majorities in the House, Senate and the White House in our corner we didn't have enough of a commitment to make DC Voting Rights
and Statehood real.
So here is a note to the Executive Director of the DNC who keeps sending me emails requesting I
now pledge to vote in November (like a pledge drive of sorts that they can take to the bank)-
I live in the District of Columbia. I don't get to vote for anyone meaningful in the federal arena.
You can stop worrying about my voting for a democrat for Mayor- who
else is running for Mayor?
When you DNC Exec. Director and you, 'Shadow' rep. make DC a State with 2 Senators like the rest of them and representative numbers of congresspersons I will pledge to "vote."
I might even pledge to run.

I consider it scandal of all scandals that DC has no real representation in Congress ---like we should pay DC taxes for everyone in the country to come use DC services and get no say over anything in the country.
Hence, the frustrated voter vents in a blog hoping people in New York pay attention.
Like my fantasy fake boyfriend Keith Olberman who I hope isn't short like a lot of those folks on TV you would be shocked to learn only come up to your chest in lift shoes. Hi George S.

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