Monday, August 16, 2010

The First Amendment isn't dependent on 'sensitivities"

Imagine if the Klan bombed schools because they didn't like integration. The Klan
call themselves Christians. They are devoutly fanatic Christians. Other Christians have
disowned them. Other Christians believe that the Klan are a scandalous blasphemy of Christianity because Jesus does not condone their racism or violence.
Imagine that the Methodists and Presbyterians -Christians-want to build a church and peace center to both worship and invite folks in to
educate people about what Christianity is really about near the school bombed by the Klan.
They want to do that so that their entire religion isn't slandered by the actions of a few derranged misguided evil zealots misusing their misinterpreted theology.
The Secularists find that offensive. They think all Christianity must lend itself to these fanatic
movements like the Klan. The Secularists insist that no Christians be allowed to build anything
near where the Klan blew up the school.

Who would think that reasonable?
So why is this Mosque issue still all over the news?

OF COURSE they have a right to build a Mosque in lower manhattan (near the Catholic Church already there.) OF COURSE if any Christian Evangelicals wanted to build a peace center and owned land near there they could also build a church or peace center.

By far most Muslims reject the blasphemy of violence and abhor what happened on 9-11, both international and domestic.


I took a train from Detroit, Michigan to Dearborn yesterday and the short ride to the suburbs was lined with beautiful summer foliage and beautiful colorful wildflowers- growing through the blighted busted out broken windows of row after row of closed factory and industrial buildings.
While we are committed now to spending billions in post-war reconstruction out of the country after spending billions creating wars to destroy the countries, we have in this country next to nothing serious to rebuild and recover the industrially blighted center of the country in these affected areas.
We need high speed rail-like they have all over europe. We need a serious infrastructure fund. We need a serious green technological conversion strategy.
I am more offended that billions are spent creating wars and cleaning up than taking care of Americans at home.

The Mosque? So what.

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