Tuesday, August 17, 2010

If I Were King


(Sorry to my french friends- its a reference to the Wizzard of Oz, a classic american movie)

Were I a democratic strategist for real as opposed to a velvet starbucks arm chair blogger lawyer, I would suggest that Obama has a bit of a 'whack job problem." I view those opponents as
nothing more dignified. Even Dick Armey's fakery is showing as his white-gray roots obscure
his latest Elvis black dye job. Whack-a-doodle- jobs- these tea partiers. Not like 'you and me' at all, not
my grandparents- my grandparents wouldn't be caught dead with those signs dangling tea
bags from their sun-hats. Maybe a fishing louer or two on a summer day at the lake but not
tea bags. They were strictly diet Tab drinkers.
Nuff said about the dingbattery lining the capital steps for Michele Buttman to wink at them and throw candy necklaces over the congressional balconies.

Here is what I would do were I Obama. Iwould go to Detroit- where the industrial blight is making a mild come back (that just got another gut punch with the announcement of a big GM safety recall in the middle of their IPO noises)- Detroit is actually a cool and wild place I discovered. There are some elegant beautiful buildings there that are not shells. One guy said it never recovered from the riots of the 60s which I hardly believe.

Right on the main drag (like their Broad Street in Philadelphia) there is an amazing property which used to be owned and built by the First Presbyterian Church of Detroit. It has an unbelievable sanctuary with an interior stained glass dome that is just georgeous. Now it houses
the ETS- the Eceumenical Theological Seminary. People from all over the midwest go there of all denominations and they offer various programs of degrees of various theological study with an impressive faculty. The Seminary has a feed the homeless program on wednesdays and feed over 200 people. It is right down the street from Wayne State University.
Right across the street is an old shell of a burned out looking enormous church on an abandoned piece of property big enough for tennis courts and a basketball court.

This might look like a scary neighborhood- lots of detroit looks like North Philly- but I felt safe as a single white girl walking around with my chocolate White Castle milk shake in broad daylight.
This abandoned property with what was once a georgeous old church on it should be annexed to the Seminary- and the Seminary should be encouraged with piles of Faith Based funding to
house something like the "Americas Middle- East Interfaith Center Institute" or something-
I like the initials "AMICI" because it means Friends in Italian. Work it out.

Obama has a "christian" problem. People read 'inclusion" as "you must not like us christians."
Do something radically supportive of interfaith efforts-
Detroit is the perfect place to do it- it will create jobs renovating these buildings in a great project that will bring more pride to the city, which is on the cusp again of being a great American city.

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