Monday, February 06, 2012

Non Profits

That are hugely profitable.

Why is Planned Parenthood a Non Profit organization exempt from federal taxes and state taxes in all the states where they operate? Clearly they are not 'non partisan' as they are favored, funded and promoted by democrats who unabashedly rally to their defense in the name of women's health.

If Planned Parenthood actually paid taxes on the billions of dollars it earns doing abortions, the federal government could use that money to open free clinics that do not do abortions or coerse abortions to actually do mammograms (planned parenthood does not do them) and other vital health and prevention services for women free of charge.

PP now has a monopoloy on free women's health- and it is raking in billions doing it. Does anyone see a problem with this? Whether you are or are not for contraception (and it is estimated that over 80% of even catholic women have used it) you have to admit this is a pretty funny money situation when one organization profits billions of dollars off abortions, has a monopoly on all the other free women's health care in this country, is the largest abortion provider simulteneously, and is so tied into the Democratic Party that every time its funding is threatened most the entire Democratic women's congressional leadership starts shouting bloody hell (which it is- really bloody hell.)

There needs to be free government provided clinics that offer health services for women that are not abortion related or abortion promoting. And someone needs to look at the Non Profit status of Planned Parenthood.

Nearly half the pregnancies in New York city end up in death- 41% --can you imagine the ghosts floating around the place? Where do all the fetus' parts go???

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