Saturday, February 18, 2012

Ever get the feeling?

Its more Rhetoric than Real?

That's how I feel when some clergy talk about Love. Because at the same time i get the distinct feeling that they only like the women who write big checks and the others are expendable- especially now that they threaten to cause a huge expense in a budgetary crisis. I get the feeling that in Bishopsworld it is mostly men, preferably well positioned ones, and kids that they can catechize and the rest of the population doesn't matter except they drive the kids to the schools that they fund and finance. I am actually surprised Sebellius hasn't been the subject of random death threats and excommunication threats given the vitriol that this has engendered.
The Catholic church is phenomenally wealthy. Phenominally. They have building fund accounts in the millions for projects. If anyone should be complaining about having to cover women's legitimate reproductive health issues, it shouldn't be the Catholic church. Legitimate health issues should be a number one priority for them- if for no other reason - then that you don't get the kids in the schools you run and finance unless you have the mothers with healthy reproductive systems who bear and nurture them. Love for Women is lacking in both rhetoric and the budgetary will. Where your treasure is, there your heart lies. What should one expect from people who work for an organization that insists that none of their clergy employees can have any wives. So when they say 'for the good of all the church' that must mean all of you except women?
Shall we say now For the Good of about Half the Church.

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