Friday, February 24, 2012

Isn't that Special

Remember the Church Lady from Saturday Night Live (you may be too young.) She was the epitome of old maidenish stuffy smug judgmental pompousness.
The cartoon is hilarious but more telling is the distinction it points to in philosophies regarding human sexuality. It is not an overgeneralization to hold that Conservative catholics and MLPs, Main Line Protestants hold different views regarding sexuality- the Catholic "Theology of the Body" view is that sexuality is sacred in marriage and defiled outside a monogamous lifetime marriage commitment and is the frame in which children should be brought in the world. Sexual action outside that context is not holy and can do psychological harm and endanger lasting marriage. The MLP view is more like, human sexuality is part of the inter-relational intimacy that expresses Love so where love is, it seals the deal more or less. MLPs don't view it just for procreation. Some don't any more view it just for marriage although no self respecting seminary would go that far.
All that is to say that a Catholic college is run by priests who take this stuff as seriously as their sacred vows. They hold seminars on the Theology of the Body. They believe that there is a resurrection of the Body- so what you do with it here on earth has serious, even eternal consequences. They believe
in some cases sex with the wrong person outside marriage is a sort of rape of the soul.
So to make them approve of or offer insurance that provides for contraception does run against their teaching and belief structure- to its core. They are about preserving virtue. Recently there was a court case challenging the decision of Catholic University to require separate sex dorm rooms on campus. Girls and Boys have to live apart unless they have married student housing. They believe is it wrong morally to be sexually intimate if you are not married.
That is why Cardinal Wuerl said on msnbc that the accommodation is like saying we won't give you or pay for the porn but we will refer you to the porn websites. No, they won't. Really, no -they won't. That is why you see guys in Roman collars saying they will go to jail before they ever will be made to do it. They are in the virtue promotion business. They guard chastity like Fort Knox. You cannot make them - they would rather rig an election to steal from you your office before you make them. They feel like a Father whose virgin daughter just brought home a sleazebag with ill designs who kicks him out of the house. They would rather kick Obama out of the White House.

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