Monday, June 11, 2012

And Now For More Laugh out Loud Absurdity from the Highest Court in the Land

If It weren't So Tragic. the Supreme Court, under the pathetic cointelpro myth that everyone rotting in Guantanamo is a Muslim Terrorist sympathizer with Al Quaeda (which is pretty much the making of our arming the Muhajadin in Afghanistan to fight the Soviets) ruled again recently against Habaes relief in Guantanamo. This largely Catholic -Jewish court it seems are ready to just lock up anyone Muslim on the suspicion that they MIGHT be POSSIBLY terrorists because Bush said so. Really? You just hate all muslims or can't tell the difference between uncle Joe whose nephews tattled on him for the 25k and his land while he was locked far away in Cuba and someone ready to strap a bomb to their waist? Seriously. Unbelievable. They need real trials. ALL OF THEM. 25k bounties for these guys means they are set up in Poppy heroin farming for the rest of their lives. They would turn in their grandmother. Do you read anything other than the Wall Street Journal you Supremes? No, let me correct myself. The EXCLUSIVELY Catholic-Jewish Supreme Court keeps all suspected Muslim terrorist locked away at Guantanamo without a trial denying Habaes relief. How would you like it we do it to all Catholics now? No Trial. We just suspect you are all pedophiles. Because Obama says so.  There is plenty of evidence in the popular psyche that all catholics must be pedofiles- child raping molesting monsters who deserve to be sent to a far away island to spend the rest of their lives chained to a wall urinating on themselves.
Because Obama says so.  No trials. just live like dogs until you commit suicide.
This is Constitutional suicide. You have to give those people all trials. real trials. with real evidence required- not the jerky weird fabricated nonsense that says- we think you must be a militant therefore we get to call you an 'enemy combatant " and lock you away for the rest of your lives without a trial or requirement that anyone prove anything or any shred of a scintilla of credible evidence of anything other than the fact that CIA director Bush Senior financed the Muhajadin to fight the Soviets. Absolutely sickening to hide behind- its offshore in Cuba so we get to criminally violate constitutional law and term anyone we want without any evidentiary hearing whatsoever an 'enemy'. It's off shore -does Romney get to criminally violate tax evasion laws? OFF SHORE?

      How much disgust must I reign in to be compliant with all those professional courtesy bar rules. The disgustometer is banging off the calibrator.

    This is NAZI germany all over again. This is EXACTLY what they did to Jews when they put them in concentration camps on suspicions of undermining the Nazi regime's plans- minus the gas (is that far off)

Click Here for Habaes Schmabaes

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