Monday, June 25, 2012

We are Due

Another Fabricated Crisis You tell a lie big enough and long enough and everyone will believe it is true. That is what 911 was about. The next fabricated crisis is going to propel a vaccination regime. This is going to be used to justify detaining and quarantining people who don't take it in FEMA camps by homeland security. They are already doing real world drills in various states (Huffington Post reported Maine the latest). It will be precipitated by bogus reports of a virus inspired Zombie invasion- you know- flesh eating bacteria, naked cannibals munching on faces, etc. They have been planting stories about it in the news consistently and repeatedly so people are used to the notion that there is something pervasive about flesh eating cannibals and bacterias. Everyone will have to be vaccinated. They will implant some technology with the vaccine. This is predicted to be coming soon. It will be mass hysteria and homeland security will have to contain it. It is of course nonsense. About as much nonsense as a couple of Saudi (CIA asset) hijackers launching a jihad and driving two planes into the World Trade Center that imploded three buildings. The 'cannibals' have all been drugged. There are no Zombies. How to thwart the plan? You tell me. The vaccinations will be expensive but covered of course by Obamacare so the government puts a few billion in the pocket of PHARMA as planned vaccinating 300 Million people. Say the shot is $20.00-say you need five total over a two month span. Do the math people. The government will be there to protect the population from the zombie brain virus. If all of Obamacare falls through will the whole vaccination program?

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