Monday, February 18, 2013

Chaque Mot de la Bouche de Dieu

I bought a Journal

   So I don't have to bother P3 fans with every waking thought. But before I start journaling-
one thought if you will indulge me.
Is it too late for the Conclave to make Msgr Brouwet a Cardinal? Because his homily this morning at the Feast of Bernadette was one of the most inspiring I have heard. Its about a girl called "La Folle"-the crazy one- because who thinks really the Virgin Mary actually appears?  The Virgin Mary herself could have been called La Folle for thinking the Holy Spirit got her pregnant. Riiiiight. Go sit over there little missy- we know what you have been up to.

   The Virgin Mary is fond of people called crazy. The disbelieved visionaries. Those a bit ahead of their time perhaps. Those with eyes to see and do. Those who believe in the supreme overwhelming overcoming Love of God the Almighty.

  The homily noted that the Holy Spirit is guiding the church. This church in Lourdes was packed to the standing room only gills this morning for the Feast of Bernadette. The Holy Spirit is guiding it, and the fact that there will be a new Pope is being guided by the Holy Spirit. He called everyone to pray for the church and Benoit (as he applauded him).

 As I had my morning chocolate croissant I kept thinking "man can not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God." Thus the liturgy has both eucharist (bread of life) and liturgy of the Word (equally important.) Every Word that comes forth from the mouth of God. I actually kept hearing it in french. Chaque mot la bouche de Dieu. And this is the great function of the church- to disseminate every word that comes forth from God's mouth as well as eucharistic bread of life. The church is God's bibliopatisserie. It will carry on with fortitude and grace because God's word never goes out idle-  and it's God's desire that it be known in every corner of the world.

The homily stressed that God despises the proud- and raises up the humble. Like a little poor mountain sheepherding girl. How can anyone be proud in the sight or thought of God?  God uses the weak things of the world to confound the arrogant. On purpose. Because he can't stand snobs. The proud. Orgeille. Its not only a sin, its one of those so obnoxious God has to break it down. Because it rises to idolotry of
one's own ego.

What Great God we have who loves a poor little mountain sheepherding girl to send the Virgin Mary Blessed Mother to have a little grotto-side chat with her. Of all the people in the world that the Virgin Mary could pick to hang out with, she wants to hang out with a little slightly outcast peasant girl from an impoverished family in the mountains.

Who do the big great people usually want to talk to? Other great important people? God wants to send the Virgin Mary to talk to a little sickly poor mountain sheepherding girl in a remote small village in the Pyraneese.

Whoever you are then, God wants to reach you too.  And he wants his message to get to you. Because his Word is Life.
Every one of his Words. Chaque Mot qui vient de la bouche de Dieu.


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