Monday, February 25, 2013

James Martin

For Pope

  He jokes, sort of. Because secretly I think he wishes it could be so. "Can a Pope be someone NOT already a Cardinal?" my friend asked, as if I am any expert on the subject.  Ask Tom Reese-he's the expert. If someone could be
James Martin, SJ (meaning Jesuit) surely should be the prime contender.

  At the recent Christian Education Congress in Anaheim (near LA) California, dubbed by Fr. Martin as
"the Happiest Place on Earth" and, he resounded "Better than Disneyland" he described how God has a playful sense of humor and we should have fun with him in life. If you can get your hands on a copy of his talk which was live streamed watch it- it's both hysterical and insightful.

  For evidence that Jesus has a sense of humor he recites the passage where Nathaniel is introduced to Jesus and he says "Can anything good come from Nazareth?" which is a put down- and likely a snicker evoking common saying then given Nazareth's town character at the time. (currently it is a fairly unremarkable tradestown where factory supply places and quasi-industrial warehouses abound, known more for Jesus having come there than anything else supporting tourism.) And Jesus doesn't declare 'Nathaniel-it shall be better for you than if hellfire rained on your head 'or any such rebuke for making a dig at Jesus. He says-here is a guy with no guile in him. Basically-this is a guy I can work with. He was honest. Jesus didn't hammer slam him into the ground for the slight mocking dig-he didn't kick him out of his path and off the journey- that is something Herod might do or a haughty emperor who 'offed' the heads of anyone who didn't tickle his fancy. Jesus, it appears had Ha Ha moments.

  James Martin, SJ makes the stunning revelatory admission, something protestants have known for years, that God doesn't view any position in the church as a better more special place- we are all supposed to be servants -and all people really are equal in God's eyes. We are all in need of his Grace, Forgiveness and Blessing. It was a pitch for humility, as he joked that one can be too proud even in their humility and he is the No.1 most humble person qualifying him for Pope:-)  A prominent Presbyterian Pastor and Theologian now the President of Princeton University's Theological Seminary Craig Barnes once said that Presbyterian Ministers wear robes when they are giving a Sermon which are simple black robes resembling academic robes of higher established academia because the only thing distinguishing those people in the eyes of God and the people to whom they are preaching is that they are more learned and educated-they went to Seminary.
Jesus clearly thought that the greatest would be the one who served more- the greatest is the greatest servant. Jesus himself took this role as the servant of humanity in sacrificing everything to serve the need of their atonement and thus salvation. He starts his ministry turning water to wine- to "keep the party going" as Martin muses. He was there the God- bartender. Martin wonders how the church would have been different if priests at every Mass washed feet as Jesus did at the last supper. Wouldn't that get people thinking. Of course then it was a necessity because people wore sandals around dirt roads and so feet were always dirty. What would be the equivalent now?  Who has bad credit? Let me clean that up for you? Whose garage needs cleaning out? Garage sale anyone?

    He ended with a few classic jokes. I will tell you two more, he kept saying after finishing each one.
And they are all great, while you probably heard a few already. So find the link or better yet, get his book "Heaven and Mirth" which has lots of them in it. Amazon -or Booth number something at the Congress, as he kept reminding people:-)

  I vote for James Martin for Pope- and for Cardinal O'Malley.  If  I only had a vote. Sung to the tune of  'if i only had a brain' from the Wizzard of Oz :-)

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