Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It's A Family Affair

Zechariah Pray For Us

Did you know John the Baptist's father was a Priest. His name is Zechariah. Jesus' cousin, the one God chose to herald the coming Messiah, crying in the wilderness grew up in the home of a Priest-as his son.
Jesus could have chosen the sparrows, the rocks crying out or the old lady hanging out at tavern-but he chose the son of a Priest.

It always amazes me that the lengths that people go to in order to deny that Jesus wanted priests married to rebut the "marriage option" in the Priesthood. It amazes me because it is so obviously not scriptural and so obviously man created as a "discipline" and not something God ordained or mandated -ever.

Recall that after Jesus rose from the dead the woman who clung to him even after death, hanging out by his tomb who was first to see him rise was Mary Magdalene (not "JOHN" allegedly the 'disciple whom he loved.') Recall that the first thing he says to her is essentially- "don't touch me I haven't yet ascended." Why would he say such a thing? Obviously- because he knew that the first thing she would do once she recognized him would be run up to him and hug and kiss him all over. That's what you do when you are in love.

Recall also that there was a Mary who was so comfortable around Jesus that she washed his bare feet with her hair. She didn't just grab the hem of his garment on the fly, she was close enough to wash his feet, and wash them with her tears and her hair. Then recall the woman who rubbed perfume all over him- massaged his head with "nard"- which some have actually traced to a variety of "nard" common in Syria, referenced in the Songs of Solomon and known to be used for love-making. Judas expresses outrage- not that a woman is massaging his head with oil- (which should be shocking if she wasn't known to be in some sort of relationship- but because all the disciples were used to her hanging around and acting like this the act of massaging his head wasn't offensive)- Judas is offended because the perfume/oil is really expensive. Look at her! Look how expensive that perfume is! It should have been used to pay for the poor! That is what we are told Judas says-and further, we are told he said this because he was in charge of the treasury and was pilfering from it regularly, so this depletion of the treasury cut into his proceeds. That means, hello, that Mary was allowed use of the common Treasury for the apostles. Why? Because she was JESUS' significant other- who travelled with them, probably cooked for them, and was so close to Jesus she could bathe him -with her hair- and massage his head with oil in the presence of the apostles (when women in Jewish custom could never touch a man unless they were married to him.)

What if the church made you vow to never use your eyes and made up something like Jesus had a sixth sense so he didn't need to use his eyes ever so if you want to consecrate yourself to God you must keep your eyes closed for life? Would you consider such a vow valid? What if it had more harmful pernicious effect on someone else? What if you were made to vow to every morning get up and slam a bullfrog against a tree until it fell crippled to the ground because they made up that Jesus was mad at bullfrogs. This harms bullfrogs but there is some higher purpose to it (their consistent early morning croaking disturbed morning lauds). Would that be ridiculous. Of course. So why does no one ask whether the vow against married priesthood has any harmful effect on the women God created and ordained to be wives of priests?

Should there be a married priesthood option?
Should there be an option to open your eyes?

And isn't it possible, like about ten thousand times more likely than not, that the disciple "whom Jesus Loved" that he pointed to while on the cross indicating "Behold Your Mother" is actually his wife- because Mary WAS her mother (in law) and he was telling Mary Magdalene to look at her because she was falling apart and he was telling her to take care of her. Look at your mother over there, she is falling apart, please help her. She's your mother.

Jesus himself came from a priestly lineage. Joachim, his grandfather (father of Mary) was a priest and Ann(a) her mother was likely a priest's daughter. There just is no way that Jesus ever wanted a priesthood entirely composed of unmarried men. No Way. It's so off the heart of Jesus that it is heresy. It's a historical perversion that like most lies, breeds more sin and corruption.
Just ask the crippled croaking bull frogs.

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