Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I'm Sorry,

I've Had It.

Do you all realize that there are federal anti-discrimination laws which protect women who are a 'protected class?" You cannot harass women in a church setting because they are women deemed too attractive thus tempting the potential wandering-eyed clergy. It's against the Law in America. You cannot only admit men to educational programs and only pay for men to go to educational programs and get degrees and not the women- that is also against the law. Federal Law. How you have been getting away with it in America this long is a mystery.

You should not as a moral matter, persecute people who hold differing views on contraception especially when they are mainstream and supported by government health findings and ministries. I personally don't believe in using a "Pill" or "Abortofascient" sort of medication post conception and find abortion morally obscene, but condoms should be used to prevent disease because Jesus is all about healing and curing people.
Running people out of churchs for believing in Jesus' healing properties and mission in this regard is just flatly stupid. Tying that into prejudices about ostensibly loose women when the advocates of this public health measure don't use the Pill and don't believe in it is abusive.

The church is emotionally abusive to women. It obscenely thinks it is justified morally.
It does the most massively unChristian things in the name of the church.

Time to take Inventory- and a few keys to the rectories back.


I have never used a or the 'Pill'- but I know at least three gay men who would be dead from full blown AIDS like their late partners if they did not use condoms. I prefer them alive. So you can take your Humana Vitae - I prefer to read the Bible.

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