Friday, July 23, 2010


Do You Break The Commandment of God For the Sake of Your Tradition?

That was the seminal question to the Pharisees by Jesus- read Matthew 15 in its entirety. The issue then seemed petty- there is a ritual washing of the hands in Jewish tradition- it is a good rule that has probably done a lot of sanitary good in keeping people in good health in hot climates. Wash your hands before you eat.

Jesus point was not this was a bad rule, but there is a deeper one that trumps it- what is unclean is what flows from the heart- not what goes into your mouth. What comes out of your mouth is what you should be paying attention to because life and death are in the tongue. We are told that EVERY idle word will be judged. If your heart is unclean with malice, envy, hatred, spite, etc. whether you wash your hands is totally trivial.

This is the very definition of 'Pharisaic"- a term now synonymous with hypocrisy. Rules of men trumping and obscuring Divine Law.

So what is the Divine Law- it is the Law of Love.
Love your God with all your heart, soul, mind, strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. Love. Love. Love.
It is ALL about the SACRED HEART, all about the Divine Love that is the bridge to the hereafter.

When man made rules trump the SACRED HEART, you are on the wrong track- it is as misguided as priding yourself for washing your hands while your mouth spews vile slander against a neighbor. Just misguided. Just wrong-headed. Just profoundly missing the mark.

This is how I view some of that French Castle dwelling order of self-righteous rule makers in that Dominican House of Studies puffed up with intellectual pride by giving themselves degrees and engaging in acts of saddistic mysogeny to cover for enough of their mother issues that would early retire a staff of shrinks in Palm Beach style.

Man made rules. The rules against ordaining women are not from the SACRED HEART. There is nothing in Jesus' life, teaching or ministry that precludes him from manifesting himself through women. In fact, that was the ONLY way he chose to incarnate- through a woman. There is no male nor female in Christ Jesus, we are all one in the Lord. He made it clear. The Dominicans are still obsessing over washing hands. And don't get me started on the married priesthood mess-

Love. If you are not about Love you are not about God- you are about the puffed intellectual hubris giving yourselves your own degrees to make the world think you are smart when nothing could be further from the truth.

And Jesus on Blind Guides?
"If a Blind Guide leads a Blind Man both will fall into a pit."

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