Wednesday, May 25, 2011

And He Breathed


It doesn't say he just breathed on Peter did it? When Jesus is in the Upper Room after his Resurrection (we are still before Pentacost in the Easter Season), Jesus breathed on "THEM" (Plural) the Holy Spirit- and this was the power of holiness that enabled them to travel to the far corners of the then known globe to bring the good news.
The temptation in any one church is to say that they have a monopoly on God. God is not confined to any one institution any more than a river is confined to a square foot of land or a volcano can be confined to its mountain. God cannot be confined by a set of man made rules any more than the wind is confined to a set of trees. God is All Powerful. He isn't afraid of a few cannon laws.

One doctrine maintains that the "bride of Christ" is their one exclusive Church.
"Church" as the bride of Christ means those with the Holy Spirit calling on the name of the Lord. That is the foundation of true ecumenicism.

God hates the proud. Really hates them. Some of them are pretenders in his Church. Some of them think they are running for Commander in Grief, or President Pope. Humility is totally lacking in some. Arrogance and brute ignorance go together.

Every church at some point has been wrong. Obviously that includes the Catholic Church. It's depressing to detail in litany how. But Jesus Christ should not be judged by the human failing of his followers.

The whackadoodle nutjob who falsely profesied the end of the world and made about 75 Mil off the scam should be investigated by the Justice Department and the FTC.
That doesn't mean the Bible is untrue. It means some arrogant ignorant idiot misinterpreted to his advantage to suit his ideology.

The same thing happens in some catholic doctrines and circles.
Because of the continuity of scholarship excellence they tend not to go off the nutty rails as badly as that and you won't find one catholic believing in such nonsense. But they are just as wrong on other things- and it does not serve humanity to stick ones fingers in ones ears and shout "La La La La La, I can't hear you!!!" when the rest of the world thinks that there is institutionally something profoundly off its rocker.

Take the jack-A who tries to police harass women he finds too tempting. "La la la la la la, I can't hear you."
Take the shuffle board game of pedofiles. "La la la la la la, I can't hear you."
Take the fact that gay sex is considered forgiveable whereas heterosexual sex is expulsion material. "La la la la ,I can't hear you!!"

Take the fact that priests have no families is elevated to a 'virtue' when it is
really a disability and dysfunctionality, "La la la la la, I can't hear you!!"- Like other professions are not as time consuming and don't know how to manage their time better.

There are some off their rocker "protestant" doctrines and beliefs- like the end times prophesy nonsense. And some protestant doctrines and beliefs that are much more biblically correct than Catholic practices. Which is why the Humility that Jesus
demands requires a vigorous eceumenical dialogue to see where the Holy Spirit, breathed on all, is speaking more clearly.

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