Monday, January 17, 2011

The Law

The Spirit and The Truth

Paul and Peter had a discussion early at the church's founding in which they battled whether all the laws of the Jewish talmud, codes and traditions had to be meticulously followed to be a follower of Christ. There are 613 Jewish laws and lots of commentary regarding how they had to be implemented and followed.
Peter had a vision in which he was told directly by God "DO NOT CALL UNCLEAN WHAT I HAVE MADE CLEAN."
This prompted him to accept the mission to the Gentile world and allowed massive numbers of converts to become Christians without first becoming full Jewish converts. Cornelius the Roman soldier was brought into the faith fold after Peter visited him after this dream which inspired a movement of enormous numbers of Christians from the ranks of the Roman military which helped it spread throughout the Roman World as these military men were mobile-and travelled throughout the Roman Empire.

Legalism lost to the Spirit of Truth.

Here is where we are again-the Traditionalists want to hold on and hang tight to 'Canon Law'- which is a man made creation which frankly imposes burdens ridiculously heavy to bear contrary to the "my burden is easy and light" Spirit- and totally fabricates theology around man made doctrine elevating it to "law" which serves man made institutional purposes and never was designed by God. Very complicated and too involved for a blog post. Suffice it to say anything against the heart of God is not worthy of the name 'theology'- it is a bastardization corroded into petty legalisms.

But clearly if the Spirit of Truth is to be followed, in a manner that facilitates the New Evangelism, in the spread throughout the world, in the expanded spirit of Vatican II in the name of JPII, we should throw out any legalism which impinges the work of the Spirit of Truth.

It is totally clear that the mandatory celibacy imposed from afar and above for anyone wishing to serve as a Priest or Permenant Deacon is harmful- harmfully emotionally and spiritually to women, and the church.

It is just beyond insane that people don't want to fix a clearly broken system.
You cannot pour new wine into old wineskins. The old wineskins will burst wide open and all the wine goes all over the place in puddles to be trampled upon. The New Wineskins have to be the New Church. Following the Eternal God- who got it right in the first place, when Peter, the married man was appointed by Jesus the First Pope.


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