Friday, January 07, 2011

More More More More

DC / MD Metro Police Please

Uniformed and in plain clothes. Double the Force.
Flash mobs of malicious teens are not unique to Philadelphia. As I was visiting a client around Silver Spring I took the metro to what is still part of Montgomery County but not anything like
the Bethesda side of gentility. A flash mob of kids who looked to be in high school were walking down a path where the 7-11 and post office are, heading towards McDonalds near the Metro chanting loud taunting cursing like noises echoed by guys from the other side of the street yelling back at them. This was after school let out as dusk approached.
They were deliberately trying to be menacing to everyone and everything standing in earshot on the sidewalks. It was a bully bravado sort of menacing militancy. Normally fearless, I felt my own 'fright flee' adrenalin mechanism kick in and my heartbeat race. I hoped these kids were not headed toward the Metro with that. And if they were-what would anyone do-tell them to shut up? Calm their little derriere's down? Who would confront such a mob of malicious malcontents? Teens can kick the sunshine out of anyone in a mob like that.

Two packages went off near State buildings in and around Annapolis yesterday causing quite a furor. Clearly there are malicious people out there. DC and surrounding Maryland suburbs are a target because lots of the rest of the country is suffering and believes that the fat cats sitting in Washington and surrounding affluent Maryland suburbs don't deserve to be so well off and insulated from the pain in the rest of the country. Nutjobs abound and they seem to gravitate toward DC.
There is a lot for Metro police to do- stop eaters, smokers, loud louts and bullies and perhaps catch a few rats in the process. Not to mention the guys peeing on the tracks.
DOUBLE THE FORCE- and lets see a few catch a few thieves.

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