Friday, April 15, 2011

Don't Say I Didn't Warn You

OBAMA is a One Termer.

There is little doubt in my mind. Maybe a five percent doubt on a good day.
The alternatives are still frightening. Nothing pallatable has emerged.
I don't just base it on what has happened over the last two years or resistence to Obamacare or the kind of 'change' that looks like happened or is coming- but on the fact that all the Red States are now (Arizona just passed it) forcing in laws that require Proof of Citizenship before someone is allowed to be on the ballot in their state for President to comport with the Constitutional requirement. What "Proof" actually is required will be tied up in courts-my guess for years.
The birther bonkers is stirring up an angle --anything to hang their hat on- flimsy or credible or not- and with Trumps money dump it is taking hold in previously unheard of corners. He is shedding light for example on statements of people in Kenya indicating that folks in Kenya say that they know with certainty he was born there and there are under the radar markers and celebrations- (making it look like the biggest con this country ever saw which ticks folks off whether true or not.) Will the "Certificate of Live Birth" suffice to "Prove" citizenship according to the Arizona Law and others like it? Don't know. But the Don't know part makes the return on investment look a thousand times riskier.

That is why I have always said the Dems need to put someone up in the Primary next to the Fearless Leader. Just saying- or else lose everything. Kind of a big gamble for people who think the policy agenda is at risk (and not saying I am on board with all the policy objectives either- just sayin.)

AZ Law vetoed by the Governor.
OK- so much for trying that trick.
Will it catch on? How many states are totally red with red in all chambers??

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