Saturday, April 09, 2011


Shallow or Real The government won't shut down. Some compromises were reached- DC won't get any federal money for abortions. DC will get federal money for school vouchers. Those look great on paper. The issue with the Planned Parenthood business is that when money is given to them, under the pretext that they only do a small percentage of abortions (doubtful and numbers vary depending on their defenders) is that the clear laws against federal funding of abortions are cleverly circumvented by allocations to the corporation which has no accountability regarding which funds are or are not used for the prohibited purpose. The primary purpose of planned parenthood is not general overall health care for women. They are not staffed by gynological specialists. They are staffed by abortion doctors. Go look for yourself. They don't even have state pharmaceutical licenses and yet act like dispensaries for abortion pills. If you give 300 Mil. to a corporation, a private corporation, with national tentacles, and have no contraints or regulations or oversight regarding where the money goes, it is going to circumvent the ban on no federal funding for abortions. Suppose the abortion doctors are on monthly retainers and they also do pelvic exams and pap smears once a month, but 100 times a month they are performing abortions. The retainer is circumventing federal funding for abortions-and calling it a pap smear. The logic of the people who just want to throw 300 Mil to Planned Parenthood is just obviously transparently fraudulent. And people see through it. There will be serious consequences to pay if in any future vote planned parenthood is not defunded but given a budgetary pass- millions and millions of dollars for what? The Senate looks like it's padding its own pocket and campaign coffers at the expense of women and the law. This isn't as clear as everyone thinks. And no, I don't believe for five seconds that Planned Parenthood only has three percent of its budget "invested" in abortion. Not for a New York minute.

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