Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Note to Alan Simpson

I am a Woman and You Don't Speak For Me.

Abortion encourages demeaning of women and sexploitation of women. It is a man's solution to their unbridled promiscuity. Just "take care of it" if you find yourself with child after I get to have my way with you as many times as I want and we don't need a mere "paper" of marriage. The social covenant was lost. The Abortion exponential explosion came hand in hand with the "sexual revolution" where the mass deception ethic of unlimited sexual gratification and pleasure with no natural repercussion was propagated that demeaned and demoralized women and turned them into objects for male sexual gratification without emotional connection or any sense of social responsibility. This is harmful, not helpful to women.

Additionally, it is beyond contention that health risks of abortion to women have been wildly understated, in the service of the same above ethic. Abortion mutilates women in large numbers. It renders them forever infertile in large numbers. It psychologically destroys them in large numbers, because killing off your child, if you realize what you have done is about the biggest betrayal of womanhood that exists. It is a denial of self in a profound existential way.

So it is totally astounding that Planned Parenthood is allowed to perpetuate their myth of being a women's movement issue, and it is disturbing that so many women have bought into the myth.
I don't care whether the legislators are male or female who look at this seriously- but seriously they must- because we have not done a good enough job instructing people on the evils of abortion and it does not help to lie to the country about what Planned Parenthood is all about and pretend we aren't federally funding the mess.

Those issues all have to be looked at, and that is even before you even get to the part about abortion being the tortured delimbing dismemberment of a live tiny human- worse torture than Guantanamo ever saw. Torture into shredded death. It's appalling. Stunningly outrageously appalling. So evil.