Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Ways That Seem Right To A Man

Are Sometimes Garbage

If you lived in the States that comprised the Southern most states in the US for the first 100 years of the country's not so perfect union, you would likely have the firm conviction that owning another human being for labor and profit was not only perfectly all right morally, but biblically permitted, and essential to sound economic institutional functionality. Unless of course you were 'owned.'
They knew no other way, of course it should be done like that, how else could it possibly work.
Immorality had no discussion when economy justified it. Lack of creativity justified cruelty.
I see little difference in the church's understanding of women's roles with regard to it's division of labor- wherein for a billion people they deny that God speaks as forcefully through a woman, in a manner that allows a woman to serve as either priest or wife of one. Church women work for free for the most part and are the oil that keeps the machine well running in most parishes. They do everything a priest does not want to. They are not equals, they are unpaid help.
The women religious are treated abysmally by comparison. Warehoused, denied pensions, not able to earn enough to save for pensions while priest build for themselves sometimes little kingdoms on earth with minions of harems of free labor.
This situation was tolerable to Christ's followers barely for about five hundred years until it caused a massive schism, splitting the catholic world in two after the great Byzantine East-West schism, after the "Reformation." You would have thought that the other half would catch on.
Instead they created more perverse theology to justify the unjustifiable and five hundred years later are still driving priests from their ranks who insist that it's off the wall wrong.
What is off the wall wrong is the notion that failure to creatively address issues of division of labor is not a theology. It's a perversion.

My ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts, says the Lord.

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