Monday, January 16, 2012

Happy Martin Luther King Day

And What Santorum really meant by that 'a black president should know' comment.

If you look at abortion statistics, the last civil rights battle should be for the unborn people who get killed off before they are born. It is a surgical lynching if you will. And if you look at the statistics of black children killed off (three times that of caucasian babies) the conclusion is inevitable that it is a surgical lynching. The African American community is impacted three times as hard by abortions.
The discussion of personhood is rooted in the fact that a full complement composite of human DNA exists at each conception. There is a human acorn which will develop into a full human tree if you nurture it with proper food and environment. The personhood debate is a legal one- do we give oak acorns the same protection as oak sapplings? They are both oaks. Santorum was trying to say that there was a time in history where the Supreme Court viewed African Americans as less than fully human because they lacked a quality of the people in power at the time; white skin. That was it. You didn't have white skin so you were not considered one hundred percent human and that reason pervaded strangely and unjustly Supreme Court reasoning. Santorum was trying to make an analogy that because a fetus lacks an element of the people in power also, that this lack of personhood status for something so trivial should be empathized with by someone who understands the injustice of doing it to black people.
The issue is obviously vastly different and apples are compared to pomegranites. Is it a 'person' at mere conception when it lacks any ability to do anything a person does because it is little more than a few undifferentiated cells? Is the argument analogous at all much less a good analogy? That is open for debate. But I make the point to say that Santorum was not being a racist in noting that someone familiar with the lesser human argument defining lesser personhood in the racial context might get the analogy. Santorum I do not believe for five seconds is a racist at all.
Mormons on the other hand.

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