Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Why gaybashing is politically dumb

Morality aside

There is religious disagreement concerning morality or lack of morality in gay behavior or identification. Is it inate, intrinsic to a person or a behavior that can be modified. Jury is out for some. But what is rather incontrovertible is that the manner in which one presents either side can determine success or failure in appealing to a national audience in the following demographic regard.
It is estimated by Gallup that as much as ten percent of the US population self-identifies as gay.

Ten percent of a 300 Mil population is 30 Million people. Canada is estimated to have a population of about 34 Million. Nearly the size of Canada is the population of self-identified gay people according to a Gallup poll.

Gay people do not sprout from pods or grow on trees, they come from families, and statistically larger families. Thus the circle of people who know and love gays expands exponentially just within their families. Then there are those who know and love them who are not in their families, in their churches, their places of work, schools, their neighborhoods or apartment buildings, their clubs and places of recreation. That exponentially expands their circle of love and support.

So just looking at the numbers, and looking at the demographics it is political suicide to trash gayness in any respect. The issue of marriage of gays comes from the Constitutional principles, not of separation of church and state as some may think, but of the fundamental right of everyone to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for all and equal protection under the laws for all.

If Rick Santorum can find me one heterosexual person who chose not to have heterosexual relations or marriage because they know someone gay who wants to get married I might reconsider, but so far I find the proposition preposterously ridiculous. Gay people do not inspire non gay people to not want heterosexual sex. It's too good to be convinced otherwise.

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