Saturday, January 14, 2012

Tell Me How

You Really Feel

The deepest seated prejudice in America is found still in the Mormon culture and church. When we say that no black person could become a priest in the Mormon church until 1978 (I graduated high school that year) we mean no blacks could even be full members essentially until then. A priest in the Mormon world is not like in the Catholic world where you have to go through Seminary and be ordained. The Mormons believe in the priesthood of all believers concept (generally accepted in Protestantism) so they call anyone who goes through their ceremony at age 12 which is like a confirmation ceremony or a sort of twisted bar mitzvah, a 'priest.' So when you hear that no black person could become a 'priest' in the mormon church, they mean total exclusion of any blacks. This was taught as theology due to the fact that blacks were supposed to be satan's agents according to them on earth. All Mormons, including those running the Empire now over the age of 45 grew up being confirmed in that doctrine- including Mitt Romney. The Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964. They were not only a decade behind the curve, they were breaking the law. The culture is arrogant and believes breaking the law is what God commands some time, like the times when the American law was against polygamy, and still is, yet there exists polygamous Mormon cult outposts throughout three states. We cannot, I repeat cannot have a President who is a Bishop leader benefactor in the Mormon church for President.

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