Monday, January 16, 2012

Fraternal Correction: Note to Santorum

Why do I feel I need to help him?

The Evangelicals in the conservative wing of South Carolina's party are aligning themselves with Santorum to stop Romney- good for them. Romney should be stopped. And don't get me wrong, there are endearing charming things about Santorum whom I once briefly met. He is from 'Deerhunter' country in Pennsylvania, a place I actually hold dear, and we have traversed a somewhat similar path. I'm not for guns but all for bibles. We are both lawyers from Pennsylvania.

He is family man and rock hudson italian stallion georgeous in person which doesn't hurt.

He needs help in an area he can't help himself in that is making folk uncomfortable; e.g. the role of womenkind. The GOP 'traditional' white male is ego threatened by working women doing anything other than teaching. They should all be married or in a convent. Santorum makes too many noises about needing to raise the birth rate, like that is government's business, and his abortion views make women think he knows better than women about how to form their families. Fair enough, he is anti abortion so believes the government should tell women how to form their families and sexual behaviors. He really believes that.

This scares the life out of women. The GOP is always about FREEDOM but it never seems to apply to women. The GOP should do better demographic studies. Only about half the county is married. Half the country is women. That means that an enormous amount of women are out there on their own trying to make a living. And they need to, because they are not anywhere else provided for or protected. The noise about raising birth rates is a bit odd- because that's none of the government's business really, is it? Here the hands off government guys double speak when wanting to have government social engineer.

Things don't seem thought through well enough at a level you want running the country sometimes. For example


what are all the single ladies supposed to do if there is not concerted efforts at equal educational advancement and job opportunities. In the 'traditional' really olden days, the only option left for them if they were not married and not in a convent was prostitution or housecleaning. Women who do not get married get a rap for being less virtuous in the conservative scheme, and that is ridiculous. The undercurrent of conservative white male distaste for any female advancement appears to have reared its head in the Santorum campaign in questioning whether Bachman could be a President just because it isn't a women's role.

There have been female heads of State in Germany, Great Britain, India, Pakistan (a muslim country by the way) all over Latin America, and many other places and yet in America, there is astoundingly still a white man's good old boy ethic that women belong in a house with a tribe of kids- or in a convent helping those at home with their tribes of kids.

This distinctly American phenomenon would disturb George Washington who wanted bigotry to find no root in American life.
So these attitudes give women no choice but to find shelter from the indignity with the Democrats.
Santorum would do well to talk about how he wants an America where his daughter could do anything his sons could and could be President if she wanted to. Both he and Gingrich would do well to start naming women cabinet officials that they would consider. And not because they slept their way to the top of the GOP.

Making comments that working women or those without traditional family wife roles are 'self-loathing' does nothing to get the women's vote. It is the opposite of self-loathing to aspire to high office, it is the height of self respect and a desire that every God given light shine not under bushell but on a hill.

Would you love your daughter any less if she didn't find a man of her dreams that ranked in her mind up to the standards of her father or her own tastes and never married? Would you want her unable to support herself in her 50s if she could not ever marry? Or what if one of your daughters were raped as happens to one in about eleven women in this country in some form? If she were emotionally scared and unable to have relationships would you want her doomed to poverty because women shouldn't work at high level jobs? What if God Forbid you died and left your wife with seven kids. Do you want her working the check out at the local Wall Mart? No offense to those fine Americans working in Wall Mart. Equal opportunity for women matters. We are half the country and we aren't going anywhere.

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