Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What if

There were a law

that created a Chinese Wall and said No Organization that Provided Birth Control (not abortofascients, just birth control) could offer also abortion. Strict line legally and mandatory auditing and reporting requirements. They can have no cross-directorships, no cross-executives, they can't be merely divisions of the same enterprise. They have to be totally different enterprises.

Then Planned Parenthood would decide what it is and which was more profitable-
Then it would be clear who was doing abortions.

It also would make it possible for an entity without an abortion agenda to give birth control and they could control the quality of the birth control. Planned Parenthood now gives fake out defective birth control to make more money off the abortions later. It's sick.

What if there were facilities, Catholic hospitals that provided high quality birth control- that was not designed to fail.

Right now no one is regulating the massive Fraud on the Public that Planned Parenthood is- that is why people who oppose abortion are looking at totally undesirable Republicans- because the evil of abortion and ruses and fraud on the public to perpetuate it are so grave it becomes unpallatable to fall for the corruption within the Democratic party finance machinery over it.

What if really good and safe birth control were offered by Catholic hospitals? Who would go to sleazy planned parenthood clinics?

--or, a law that said No Doctor who provides abortions or any clinic or place that performs them may also dispense birth control which must be dispensed only by licensed physicians after a full pap smear and physical exam in the case of the "pill" or any medication with birth control features for women.

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