Saturday, February 13, 2010

From Your Valentine: A Priest in Rome

Happy Valentine's Day from the Saint who married people in secret when it was against the law.

Because Margarine isn't Butter. A prosthetic isn't a real leg (sorry). A wig isn't your real hair,
Dentures are not your real teeth, and someone calling himself your "spiritual father" isn't really your biological one, while he may pray well and have learned to read scripture.

This 'spiritual children' thing only goes so far, but thanks for trying. Really, thanks for the effort. A for effort. The head of a congregation or pastor of a church calling himself "father" , isn't really nearly the same thing as the paternal actual head of an actual nuclear biological family who agonizes over providing for his family, paying for college and keeping a roof over everyone's head. Forgive me if I have just blown a hole wider than the Lincoln Tunnel through the orthodoxy- but I follow Timothy 4. -Don't listen to anyone who prevents marriage- of anyone. Saint Valentine would tell you the same thing. Priests in Rome and everywhere else were not forbidden to marry until 1130-something, some 1,000 years after Valentine walked the planet and was locked in a Roman prison for marrying Roman soldiers in secret. Yes, Priests should have the option of being married because otherwise the term "father" is, sorry, half a crock. Who'se foollin who now. It may be 'easier' to get free room and board and save you from treading through snow drifts to get to work, but get real, you don't have your own actual children. Sorry- I know it can be painful, but masquing your inability to understand real fidelity to a woman-one woman for life- with a roman collar doesn't get you points in heaven. All the spiritual children in the world don't add up to one wife with a child you actually fathered who calls you 'daddy' that you actually have to feed and house.
This might be brutally tough and honest but it's about time someone got real.
I'm sorry, I just have a hard time calling someone (anyone) the age of my generation x godkids "Father" when they aren't my father. I had a great one who died 14 years ago and actually did provide for all my material needs.

I have just been advised I am to become a great aunt. I am immensely proud of my niece who at age 22 in the middle of her extended college and part time working life got pregnant and is keeping the little girl who will be a wonderful welcome addition to our extended family sometime in June. OK ideally, she never would have been intimate with her loved one, but it happened. No, she turned down the marriage proposal of the ever-present biological father and asked him to check back with her in a few months to see how she was feeling- because she does have a trust fund, bless her heart. I attribute some of her wise decision to "keep the baby" to my indoctrination of her since she was old enough to read of the value of life and her value as the potential mother of life, because she has, unlike the male of the species and everyone matriculating in a catholic seminary, millions of eggs within her and the capacity to house a few fetal cells into mature infanthood to become a human. Men just deliver sperm- women have the nine months room and board and ability to deliver full blown humans into the earth. Ha- try that trick in the Seminary.

So my precious little niece will be a mother. I am a great-aunt.
If I have kids (by miracle of that Italian fertility specialist guy who can resurrect Sara's womb into fertility into age 50 plus) my kids will be the same age as their great nieces and nephews- or something like that. Cousins a few times removed??

Life happens. And thanks to Saint Valentine- some people are committed to making it happen.
Bite me American Papist boy.

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