Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Irony of Ironies.

I sometimes travel with work or fun and find myself in hotel rooms. In some hotel networked computers there is something called the "SiteCoach" that is installed that has a filter screener that picks up what it considers offensive terminology on websites and bans them from viewing. That is to stop your local perv from checking into the hotel and gluing himself to the lobby computer to watch porn sites.

Here is the irony. The Archdiocese of Washington, DC blog apparently is now blocked officially as an 'offensive site'. Something too offensive to show in hotel rooms there, no doubt by that other guy named Pope. Here's what's more ironic. This website you are reading here isn't blocked.

Chuckling to myself that the "Pope" post on "modesty" might have triggered the spam catcher site filter for its loose terminology, I note that Mary Magdalene's passion isn't offensive to Mr. Site Filter.

In fact, Mary Magdalene's passion should be cause for enormous celebration with a few bagpipes and A Capella singing of Ave Maria. What Pope- you don't think a nice Jewish mother wanted her son to find a nice Jewish girl?

I note with only the slightest touch of sarcasm that the tone of sensuality during Jesus' day might have been a wee bit different than that in Victoria's Britain. Corsets had yet to be invented. I believe metal chastity belts were from the middle ages but that might just be because I saw them for the first time in the Museum of Torture in San Gimignano, Italy.
Forgive me also if I don't feel compelled to go to confession because I can dance better than
a long post-menopausal Punch and Judy reliving Saturday Night Fever to the tune of the Electric Slide. I should get dispensations and indulgences for having to watch it.

Don't push it Pope: I am tempted to caption my next post "Are you confusing Virtue with Just Plain Retarded" but I don't want to offend any mentally challenged people.

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